Can Young Men Have ED? Erectile Dysfunction and Age

Even though the likelihood of an erectile dysfunction (ED) diagnosis increases with age, young men can still have this condition. If you don’t consider yourself a senior but have this issue, take a look at what you need to know about ED, age, causes, and effective treatments.

Erectile Dysfunction and Age

According to an analysis of over 1.1 million men with an ED diagnosis published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice, the prevalence of this condition increases with age. Given this, and other research, does that mean ED isn’t possible if you’re young?

While it’s less likely that a young man will have an ED diagnosis, it still happens. Regardless of age, a man can develop ED due to a number of different medical and psychological factors. Five percent of 40-year-old men have complete ED, according to the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

The percentage of men affected by ED jumps 10 percent per decade of life for the next two decades — 50 percent of men who are in their 50s and 60 percent for men in their 60s have at least mild to moderate ED. The incidence of complete erectile dysfunction increases to 15 percent for men in their 70s and over.

Erectile Dysfunction and Causes

Why do younger men (in their 40s and under) experience erectile dysfunction? Many of the causes are the same or similar to those that affect older men. These include physical, psychological, or emotional issues that can affect a man’s ability to get aroused, have an erection, or maintain an erection.

Physical causes in young men may include diabetes, obesity, prostate problems, and hormonal disorders such as low testosterone. Along with these culprits, heart conditions such as clogged arteries or high blood pressure can also lead to ED.

Even though coronary causes are often seen more in older men, it’s still possible for a young man to have heart problems. Genetics and poor lifestyle factors (such as tobacco use, lack of physical activity, and diet) can lead to heart disease in younger adults.

Psychological or emotional causes of ED include depression, anxiety, and stress. Again, men of any age can experience these issues — especially after emotional or mental trauma. In some cases, men who are younger than the typical retirement age may experience work- or family-related stressors at a higher rate than their senior counterparts. This can lead to an increased risk for ED.

Erectile Dysfunction and Treatment

Like many of the causes, many of the treatments are the same or similar for younger and older men with ED. Younger men who have concerns about their ability to get or maintain an erection should contact a medical professional. Over the counter, natural, and other non-medical treatments aren’t necessarily research-based or effective options.

The specific treatment the medical provider recommends is based on your individual needs. As a younger man, the provider may need to look at potential underlying causes before they can treat you. This requires a full physical exam and possibly diagnostic testing. If the provider has concerns about a chronic condition, such as diabetes or heart disease, you will need to address the cause first.

While some causes of ED require medication, others may not. Lifestyle changes, such as a new healthy eating plan or increased exercise, may help to alleviate the symptoms. If these don’t work, the medical provider may move on to other types of treatment. Oral medications such as sildenafil (Viagra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are easy and effective options for many men.

Even though ED medications may work, the medical provider may offer alternatives. These depend on your medical history and needs and may include hormonal therapy, injection therapy, or the use of pumps.

Do you need help to treat ED? Contact NuMale Medical Center for more information.