Why Men May Struggle to Lose Weight as They Age

You may have heard that’s it’s easier for men to weight than women, and it’s true. However, as you get into your 40s and 50s, you may notice that it’s harder to lose weight than it used to be. If you are gaining a lot of weight, you can be at risk for serious conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Take a look at why you may be struggling with weight loss and how to deal with the issue.

How Do Low Testosterone Levels Affect Your Weight?

While testosterone is the driving hormone during puberty, this hormone also helps men lose weight since proper testosterone levels do the following:

  • Burn fat more efficiently
  • Distribute fat more equally throughout the body
  • Build up muscle strength and mass
  • Build up bone density

As men age, their bodies naturally stop producing a lot of testosterone, so fat isn’t used as efficiently as it used to be — meaning, it’s easier to gain weight.

You may not even realize that your testosterone is low unless you have had a physical lately. It’s a good idea to get your testosterone levels checked by a doctor because about a quarter to a third of men have testosterone levels that are below the normal range.

What Are the Side Effects of Low Testosterone Levels?

While low testosterone levels cause you to burn fat inefficiently, two other side effects can perpetuate weight gain.

Low Testosterone Causes Fatigue

Obviously, if you are too tired to be physically active, then you will likely put on the pounds. Unfortunately, low testosterone can cause a level of fatigue that doesn’t improve even after rest, according to Everyday Health. Even if you make an effort to exercise, low testosterone can extend to muscle fatigue, meaning you may burn out early on workouts.

Low Testosterone Causes Mood Changes

Men with low testosterone levels may experience symptoms of depression. According to one study, people with depression were more likely to gain weight and become obese compared to people who didn’t suffer from a mental health disorder.

If you are experiencing depression, you may feel fatigued or apathetic, meaning that it may be harder to motivate yourself to be physically active.

How Can the Problem Be Treated?

Thankfully, there are solutions that can address low testosterone levels. You’ll want to visit your doctor to get a correct diagnosis. They can order bloodwork, saliva tests, or urine tests to check your hormone levels.

Even if you know you have low testosterone levels, it’s important to visit your doctor so that they can identify the source of the issue. For instance, you may assume your low levels are just naturally declining because of age, but your doctor might discover an underlying medical condition, like Cushing’s syndrome.

Once your doctor has a clearer picture of your overall health and hormone levels, they may recommend that you:

  • Take vitamins and supplements to support your bones and muscles
  • Keep a food diary and adjusting your diet accordingly
  • Stick to an exercise regimen and come in for regular weigh-ins
  • Take bioidentical hormones to restore your testosterone levels

Bioidentical hormones are man-made hormones that are similar to the hormones produced by your body. By restoring your hormone levels, you may be able to maintain your weight better as you age. These hormones may come in creams, pellets, or gels.

It’s important that you follow your doctor’s instructions when taking any bioidentical hormones so that you raise your testosterone to safe levels.

Reach out to us at NuMale Medical Center for more information on how to maintain your weight and testosterone levels as you age.