What Are the Benefits of a Medical Weight Loss Program

Medical weight loss programs

Differ from traditional fad diets, and they produce better results in several ways. Fad diets are often overly restrictive, causing a nutrition imbalance that can cause health problems in the near or distant future. While fad diets may seem more accessible and more likely to produce results, it’s important for men battling obesity to remember that a medical weight loss program is always the healthier and smarter way to achieve an ideal weight.

Medical weight loss is also known as physician-supervised weight loss, and it involves a case-by-case approach, rather than a blanket set of guidelines. Even though a patient is required to cut their caloric intake, this is only after a doctor has completed a comprehensive evaluation and created a customized plan based on that man’s unique history, habits, and metabolism. Having someone in your corner to give advice and encouragement at every step is a significant benefit that you won’t find in diets.

Another benefit of a medical weight loss program is that it addresses the psychological hold that food has on an individual, opening the door for behavioral modification that can, along with weekly meeting and weigh-ins, help a man maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight for years to come.

According to the National Institute of Health, 73% of Americans are overweight or obese. Being overweight puts men at risk not only for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, and strokes, but also for liver and gallbladder disease, as well as certain types of cancer. Losing weight will, of course, reduce a man’s chances of developing one or more of these problems.

If you’re tired of feeling unhealthy and unhappy, and the diets you’ve been trying haven’t produced positive results, then you may be the perfect candidate for medical weight loss at NuMale Medical Center. Our men’s health professionals are dedicated to helping you live a happier and healthier life, and our “All-In-One” weight loss program may be exactly what you need. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation!