Low-T Treatments (TRT)

We use industry-leading technology and innovative techniques, which give our clients the best results.

Low Testosterone (Low-T) nationwide centers

Low testosterone, or Low-T, occurs when the level of the testosterone hormone in the body begin to drop below the body’s usual range. Also known as andropause, this occurrence is quite normal in men, as testosterone levels naturally begin to fall at a rate of nearly 1% per year after the age of 30. Other causes of Low-T may include stress, alcoholism, obesity, certain prescription medications and chronic illness.

Your masculinity and virility are key components in living your best life, and with our array of low testosterone treatment options, you can feel younger, stronger and healthier again.With a customized approach tailored to the body’s unique needs, NuMale Medical Center’s highly-trained physicians have helped hundreds of men like you reclaim their active sex lives, enjoy increased muscle mass and achieve optimal hormone levels.

Testosterone’s impact during puberty results in changes that affect voice tones, facial/body hair growth and increases in muscle and bone density – but its reach extends far further. After age 30, men’s testosterone levels begin to decline gradually – an effect known as Low-T or andropause, similar to menopause for women. Lifestyle choices, health conditions or medications could accelerate this natural decline further and drastically diminish the quality of life and overall wellness for this population of people.

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NuMale Medical Centers For Low Testosterone

At NuMale Medical Center, we understand that everyone’s experience of low testosterone (LowT) varies, so we provide customized treatments tailored specifically for you. No matter your preferred testosterone delivery method, we have something that suits your lifestyle perfectly. Our experienced team will work closely with you to decide the most suitable option based on factors including health, lifestyle and personal treatment goals.

Low Testosterone Medical Clinic

Recognizing and treating low testosterone (Low T) can be essential to men’s overall health and vitality. At NuMale Medical Center, we offer customized, low-T treatments tailored to each person’s unique requirements. We offer a wide range of treatments to raise testosterone levels, from injections and topical gels to pellet therapy – each tailored to your lifestyle and preferences. Your individualized wellness plan can include nutrition advice, exercise training programs, and stress management plans to create a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. Our dedicated professionals specialize in helping individuals regain strength, vitality and confidence for an enjoyable sexual life as well as balanced hormone states for optimum health.

Low T

What Are Some Common Low Testosterone Symptoms In Men?

Living with low testosterone (Low-T) or being under its effects can significantly impact a man’s health and how he feels in general. Not just issues in bed; low T can weaken you physically as well as altering focus and mood as well as change body structures. After 30, guys typically produce less testosterone due to age and also due to factors like eating unhealthy, being sick or taking certain medications and stress. With medical help or lifestyle modifications such as eating healthier and moving more, one can combat its negative side effects and feel better overall.

  • Common low testosterone symptoms include:
  • Decreased muscle tone and increased fat storage, especially around the midsection.
  • Loss of libido and sexual function (often, erectile dysfunction).
  • Loss of energy and motivation.
  • Loss of mental clarity, or “brain fog”.
  • Feeling fatigued, weak and tired, especially during the day.
  • Depression, irritability and mood swings.
  • Decreased sense of well-being.


What Results can You Expect?

  • Increased energy and mental clarity.
  • Increased muscle tone and reduction in fat stores.
  • Restoration of sexual function and erections.
  • Increased libido.
  • Lower cholesterol levels and risk for heart disease.
  • Overall better sense of well-being and feeling of motivation.

*Testosterone therapy treatment requires regular follow-ups with NuMale Medical Center’s providers, along with routine lab work to ensure optimal hormone levels

Low testosterone (LowT) doesn’t just present challenges in bed; it can wreak havoc across your entire life, from body and mood changes to hormonal imbalances or testes injuries or chronic illnesses like diabetes that lead to decreased production and, ultimately, LowT. Lifestyle factors, including drinking too much alcohol or opioid medications or certain medications, may all reduce testosterone levels. Accurate diagnosis requires conducting blood tests as well as reviewing symptoms and health histories to address this problem effectively. LowT is closely linked with erectile dysfunction (ED), but with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), there’s hope. TRT not only boosts sexual health – increasing things such as libido and erectile function – but it can also enhance energy, muscle strength, and overall happiness levels.

What Results can You Expect?

  • Increased energy and mental clarity.
  • Increased muscle tone and reduction in fat stores.
  • Restoration of sexual function and erections.
  • Increased libido.
  • Lower cholesterol levels and risk for heart disease.
  • Overall better sense of well-being and feeling of motivation.

*Testosterone therapy treatment requires regular follow-ups with NuMale Medical Center’s providers, along with routine lab work to ensure optimal hormone levels

Low testosterone (LowT) doesn’t just present challenges in bed; it can wreak havoc across your entire life, from body and mood changes to hormonal imbalances or testes injuries or chronic illnesses like diabetes that lead to decreased production and, ultimately, LowT. Lifestyle factors, including drinking too much alcohol or opioid medications or certain medications, may all reduce testosterone levels. Accurate diagnosis requires conducting blood tests as well as reviewing symptoms and health histories to address this problem effectively. LowT is closely linked with erectile dysfunction (ED), but with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), there’s hope. TRT not only boosts sexual health – increasing things such as libido and erectile function – but it can also enhance energy, muscle strength, and overall happiness levels.
Low T Medical Centers

Overcome Low Testosterone

At NuMale Medical Center, our focus is to get you feeling like yourself again. With the support of our team of medical experts and advanced treatments tailored specifically for each of our clients, our aim is to optimize health and well-being – so if LowT is holding you back, it’s time to take charge and rediscover energy, strength, joy in life that may have been hidden under LowT. Reach out for a consultation now & let’s begin this journey to wellness together.

Consultations and treatments for men’s health are available at multiple locations.

Albuquerque, NM | Charlotte, NC | Chicago, IL | Denver, CO | Green Bay, WI | Las Vegas, NV | Milwaukee, WI | Omaha, NE |

Low Testosterone Frequently Asked Questions

While aging is the most common cause of Low-T, other factors can contribute to or accelerate testosterone decline, including stress, alcohol use, obesity, certain medications, and chronic illnesses.

Symptoms of Low-T might include reduced sex drive, difficulties with erections, low semen volume, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, increased body fat, decreased bone density, mood changes, and a decrease in body hair.

NuMale Medical Centers offers a variety of treatment options tailored to individual needs, including testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and other interventions that address lifestyle factors contributing to Low-T. Our treatments aim to help men feel younger, stronger, and healthier.

Treating Low-T can lead to significant improvements in quality of life, including enhanced libido, improved sexual performance, increased muscle mass, stronger bone density, higher energy levels, better mood, and overall well-being.

When administered and monitored by qualified healthcare professionals, TRT can be a safe and effective way to alleviate symptoms of Low-T. Our physicians at NuMale Medical Centers ensure that treatments are tailored to individual health profiles and continuously monitored to mitigate any potential risks.

The time frame for experiencing results from Low-T treatment can vary depending on the individual and the type of treatment prescribed. However, many patients start to notice improvements within a few weeks of beginning treatment.