Erectile Dysfunction

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction is the inability for men to achieve and keep an erection firm enough for sexual activity. It can also be referred to as impotence. The condition affects more than half of men over the age of 65 and up to 39% of males at age 40. Beyond the inability to participate in sexual activity, the frustration of Erectile Dysfunction can lead to emotional, stress and relationship-related issues.

Erectile Dysfunction can occur with or without other sexual dysfunction issues. Decreased libido (lack of interest in sexual activity), orgasmic dysfunction, ejaculatory dysfunction, premature ejaculation and pain with ejaculation are all conditions that are often related to and happen in concert with Erectile Dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?


Have you ever wondered what causes Erectile Dysfunction (ED)? While no single cause exists, multiple psychological and physiological elements combine to hinder men from attaining or keeping an erection. Physical factors, including health conditions like diabetes and hypertension, issues related to prostate gland health, packing on pounds quickly, taking certain medications or simply reaching certain ages all play a part. However, emotions can also create havoc in any relationship. Stress from work or relationships, feelings of depression or struggles in your personal life all can contribute to Erectile Dysfunction (ED), with sometimes the medications meant to alleviate it actually making matters worse in the long run. Understanding all this will allow for effective solutions and peace. As we know, there are two types of causes for ED, Here are the physical causes for ED.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

A myriad of mental and physical factors can cause or contribute to Erectile Dysfunction.

Physical Causes Include:


Mental/Emotional Causes Include

  • Stress

  • Poor Personal Relationships

  • Depression

In many cases, even the medications prescribed to treat this condition can, over time, increase Erectile Dysfunction symptoms.

Erectile Dysfunction Medical Centers

Is Erectile Dysfunction Treatable?

Millions of men suffer with the condition of Erectile Dysfunction. The good news is that it is a condition that is treatable in almost every case. As a whole, Erectile Dysfunction treatment plans have over a 98% success rate. However, this doesn’t mean that every medication or treatment strategy works for every patient. Treatment options for Erectile Dysfunction need to be customized to each individual patient as no two cases are alike.

Effective Treatments for ED

As for treating ED, there is an array of treatments available; basic pills like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, as well as more complicated ones like injections, vacuum devices or surgeries, can all help; lifestyle modifications – eating healthier, staying active more regularly and managing stress more effectively are likely to have significant positive results; additionally treating any additional health conditions (like diabetes or high blood pressure) could further aid recovery.

New treatments like shockwave therapy and PRP injections have proven themselves as powerful tools in managing ED effectively, offering real hope to individuals diagnosed with it. When approaching their medical team for help managing it, individuals should do so openly by communicating, exploring therapies as applicable, experimenting if needed and trying different things if appropriate to restore enjoyment in relationships and overall well-being. With proper tools at their disposal, those suffering from ED can look forward to enjoying life once again and feeling great overall!

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment FOR ed

At NuMale our doctors can have a man’s hormone levels tested to help determine if Male Hormone Imbalance or some other men’s health issue could at the center of their Erectile Dysfunction. After reviewing a patient’s medical history and discussing their particular symptoms with a specialist, the patient will need undergo a full workup. This includes blood work and an ultrasound to measure blood flow within the penis. These tests will help determine the best course of treatment for the patient. This may include incorporating a number of treatment strategies. Sublingual medications (administered under the tongue), hormone therapy, injection therapy, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, pumps or pressure wave technology are all used at NuMale either individually or in combination with each other to correct a patient’s symptoms. Additionally, you will receive a test dose of NuMale’s customized medication that will medically induce an erection. If it doesn’t, the consultation, bloodwork and medication are completely free.

Role of Lifestyle Factors

As it relates to ED, lifestyle is an important part of the treatment. Habits like smoking, overconsumption of alcohol and lack of activity may aggravate ED; smoking reduces blood flow vital to maintaining an erection, while overconsuming can hinder sexual drive and make getting hard harder than usual. Making healthy lifestyle choices, such as regular physical activity, proper eating and sleeping patterns, and stress management, will greatly aid your progress against Erectile Dysfunction – alongside any medical treatments you may receive for improving ED.

Erectile Dysfunction Medical Centers

Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment FOR ed

At NuMale our doctors can have a man’s hormone levels tested to help determine if Male Hormone Imbalance or some other men’s health issue could at the center of their Erectile Dysfunction. After reviewing a patient’s medical history and discussing their particular symptoms with a specialist, the patient will need undergo a full workup. This includes blood work and an ultrasound to measure blood flow within the penis. These tests will help determine the best course of treatment for the patient. This may include incorporating a number of treatment strategies. Sublingual medications (administered under the tongue), hormone therapy, injection therapy, platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, pumps or pressure wave technology are all used at NuMale either individually or in combination with each other to correct a patient’s symptoms. Additionally, you will receive a test dose of NuMale’s customized medication that will medically induce an erection. If it doesn’t, the consultation, bloodwork and medication are completely free.

Supportive and Inclusive Approach

Treating Erectile Dysfunction can be challenging both physically and psychologically; it requires working collaboratively with our specialists in an atmosphere in which you feel safe to discuss concerns openly without feeling judged. 

NuMale provides personalized approaches and innovative diagnostic technologies and therapies that aim to treat ED by targeting its root causes and rebuilding sexual function and confidence in our patients. Book your consultation today!

Male Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

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Our experienced medical staff will help guide and choose the optimal treatment you deserve. Our approach is comprehensive, confidential, and in a short time you will look, feel, and perform at your best.

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